Japanese Animated Films
Japanese animated films, called “anime” (or “Japanimation” in the United States ), first appeared on Japan’s cinematic scene in the 1960’s. Currently, anime represents approximately one-third of the box office earnings of Japanese movies. Today’s anime have gained significant popularity abroad and are famous for their combination of artistry, computer technology, and storylines that appeal to numerous audiences. One of Japan’s most successful animation directors is Mr. Hayao Miyazaki, who has won wide acclaim for several of his animated films, including Tonari no Tottoro (My Neighbor Tottoro, 1988), Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke, 1997) and Oscar winner Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Spirited Away, 2001).
"Spirited Away" was first released in Japan in July 2001. It became a major box office hit in Japan breaking attendance and box office records. In America, the movie was released in September 2002. It became a big hit in the U.S. and received the Academy Award as the Best Animated Feature Film.
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